Carmen Otero, 1825

Carmen /Otero/
estimated 1825
Note: Pending confirmation of identity. Possible birth at Santa Ana, Melipilla, Chile est 1825. US Census 1860, US census 1850. If confirmed, per US 1860 Census party on April 14, 1860 in San Fco, California, we need to add an 18 yr old daughter, Cecilia sp?, born in Chile est 1842 . Is this possibly same person as FSO record for a baptized 1 AUG 1842, Cecilia , no last names, in church Santa Rosa, Los Andes, Chile?. Any information help will be appreciated.VMU June 18, 2022. See Notes.
Birth of a son
1843 (aged 18 years)
Note: Date handwritten by VUB on photo Photo scanned by PJUE 24 Ju 2006.ppt file with VAMU
Marriage of a son
Note: FSO busqueda Sept 2024. Copia en NEWGEN/Ugarte/Raw. Nombre de la madre de Gertrudis o Jertrudis en el cert de matrimonio en FSO es Cruz Vera. Eso explica los recuerdos de Maruja UB de "de la Veracruz" como apellido materno de Gertrudis. PUO se casó a los 15 años y 8 meses aprox.
Death of a husband
Death of a son
Note: Date of death handwritten on photograph at Tipay says 13 April, 1915. The official death certificate issued in Talagante shows death from artherioesclerosis at 7 am of 31 May 1914. Identifies his mother as Carmen Otero and father as Pedro Ugarte. The person requesting the certificate is 34 yr old Ramón Ugarte, agricultor, who could not sign his name.
Family with Pedro Ugarte Ramirez
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Birth: 1817 58 Chile
Death: 1867after being exiled to Peru in Peru 1851 for acting as impartial judge against government thugs who assaulted the Sociedad de la Igualdad meeting, Aug 1850, Santiago, Chile
Pedro Ugarte de Otero y Vial
Birth: 1843 26 18
Death: May 31, 1914Talagante, Chile
Pedro Ugarte Ramirez + Natalia del Solar Valdes
Juez PedroUgarte Ramirez,Leade
Birth: 1817 58 Chile
Death: 1867after being exiled to Peru in Peru 1851 for acting as impartial judge against government thugs who assaulted the Sociedad de la Igualdad meeting, Aug 1850, Santiago, Chile
partner’s wife
Religious marriage Religious marriageAugust 8, 1844Chile, Region Metropolitana, Santiago, Parroquia El Sagrario
7 years
partner’s son
Birth: 1850 33 Chile

Pending confirmation of identity. Possible birth at Santa Ana, Melipilla, Chile est 1825. US Census 1860, US census 1850. If confirmed, per US 1860 Census party on April 14, 1860 in San Fco, California, we need to add an 18 yr old daughter, Cecilia sp?, born in Chile est 1842 . Is this possibly same person as FSO record for a baptized 1 AUG 1842, Cecilia , no last names, in church Santa Rosa, Los Andes, Chile?. Any information help will be appreciated.VMU June 18, 2022. See Notes.


Search of the LDS site by Jose Manuel Ugarte A. in Feb 2019. The requesting party in Talagante for the Certificado de Defunción of Pedro Ugarte Otero was Ramón Ugarte, agricultor, 34 years old could not sign his name. Cause of death is artherioesclerosis. Maruja Ugarte B. remembered spending her childhood in a Talagante farm.


Search of the LDS site by Jose Manuel Ugarte A. in Feb 2019. The requesting party in Talagante for the Certificado de Defunción of Pedro Ugarte Otero was Ramón Ugarte, agricultor, 34 years old could not sign his name. Cause of death is artherioesclerosis. Maruja Ugarte B. remembered spending her childhood in a Talagante farm.


By VMU on June 17, 2022
We are working to confirm if she is the same Carmen Otero listed in the United States Census of 1850 as born in Chile, aged 25, and  living in the Georgetown District of Tuolumne, California with a group of chilean gold miners: Juan Bastola 31, Julián Castro 26, Juan Ramírez 25. This latter Carmen Otero later married a Scottish born carpenter, Alix Muir (est 1822-) and lived with him in San Francisco, California. At the time of the 1860 Census, June 14, 1860, her married name was Carmen Muir and she declared having born in 1825 in Santa Ana, Melipilla, Chile. In the same Census party: Angela, 9 yrs old born in California and Celia or likely Cecilia? (handwritten as Ceila) aged 18 born in Chile, in est 1842.


Carmen Otero is listed as the mother of Pedro Ugarte Otero (1843-1914) in his official death certificate. He died on May 31, 1914 at La Victoria de Trebulco farm of Talagante, a town near Santiago, in Central Chile. Carmen´s son Pedro was very likely raised by the Vial family of his aunt Rafaela Ugarte Ramírez, married to Antonio Jacobo Vial Formas. If true, this would explain the handwritten legend below his portrait: ¨Pedro Ugarte Otero y Vial nac el 9 Diciembre 1843 y +14 Abril 1915¨. The handwritten date of death is incorrect.
We suspect that the handwritten date of birth may instead be the date when the child was legally recognized by his father, judge Pedro Ugarte Ramírez. A record of baptism at the church of Santa Ana, Petorca, Chile on 01 November 1843, shows a Pedro Otero born to a Carmen Otero. This is the last confirmed record we have found for Carmen Otero in Chile.

Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Vicente Molinos Moliner (1760–1840) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Carmen Amalia  Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Carlos Isensee Muñoz (1920–1978) Arturo Ugarte Castro (1872–1957) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Liborio Molinos Giner (1843–1917) Elena Elgueta Sepúlveda (–1980) Guillermo Bühler Kowoll (1888–1949) Luisa Mabel Buchanan Valdés (1906–1984) Jorge Ugarte Bühler (1905–1980) Miguel Molinos (1628–1695) Blanca Mujica Bühler (1920–2017) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Olga Beltran (–) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Carmen Amalia  Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Pedro Ugarte Otero (1843–1914) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Johann Georg Bühler Bosch (1856–1911) Ester Ugarte Bühler (1910–1932) Luz María Schmidt Montes (1942–2019) Maria Elena Urbana Briones Searle (1896–) Johann Georg  Bühler (1819–) Amelia Micaela del Pilar  Molinos Gaete (1901–1962) Juana Salinas Escorza (–) Inocencia Ferrer Peñarroya (–1939) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Arturo Ugarte Bühler (1900–1970) Consuelo Molinos Martin (1917–2009)