Gertrudis Castro de la Veracruz

Gertrudis /Castro/ de la Veracruz
Marriage of a son
Note: Certificate copy received from Jose Manuel UA. Feb 24, 2019
Death of a husband
Note: Date of death handwritten on photograph at Tipay says 13 April, 1915. The official death certificate issued in Talagante shows death from artherioesclerosis at 7 am of 31 May 1914. Identifies his mother as Carmen Otero and father as Pedro Ugarte. The person requesting the certificate is 34 yr old Ramón Ugarte, agricultor, did not sign his name.
Humberto Tomás Molinos Gaete (1895–1978) Julián Prats Estupiña (1838–1883) Pablo Ulriksen Ugarte (1942–2005) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Jose Martin Blasco (–1936) Inocencia Ferrer Peñarroya (–1939) Victoria Bühler Kowoll (1881–1943) Maria Angélica Ugarte Bühler (1915–2008) Vicente Molinos Prats (1820–1901) Sergio Luis Bühler Briones (1928–2005) Arturo Ugarte Bühler (1900–1970) Arturo Ugarte Aldunate (1930–2013) Carmen Amalia Bühler  Briones (1920–2021) Miguel Molinos (1628–1695) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Jorge Bühler Kowoll (1882–1942) Andrew Glenn Hamm (1912–1976) Canh Thoi Tran (1930–2021) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Maria Elena Urbana Briones Searle (1896–) Marie Teresa Wilhamina (1829–1919) Arturo Ugarte Castro (–) Antonio Molinos Giner (1856–1933) Amelia Gaete Castro (1870–1954) Pedro Ugarte Otero (1843–1914) Monica Acevedo (1940–1990) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Franz J. Chadima (1825–1909) Guillermo Ulriksen Becker (1905–1979) Amalia Dorothea Kowoll Rau (1859–) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Frances Arvila Nesbit (1910–2006) Matthaeus Bühler Bosch (1864–1943) Manuel Blasco Ejarque (1835–1907) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Juan Jeronimo Ugarte (1727–1815) Clara Sepúlveda (–) Victor Ugarte Bühler (1906–1982) Aubrey Lee Hamm (1904–1981) Vicente Guillermo Molinos Gaete (1900–1981) Jose Molés Puell (1913–2002)